Past productionS

Recent works

Late Company (2024)

by jordan tannahill

One year after a tragedy, two families sit down to dinner. The parents of a queer teenager who died by suicide connect with the parents of the boy who bullied their son, in search of healing. Far from finding the closure they seek, the dinner strips bare their good intentions to reveal layers of hypocrisy, betrayal, and revenge.

Written with sensitivity and humour, Late Company is both a timely and timeless meditation on the struggles of bullying, parenting, responsibility, blame, grief, and being true to oneself.

Izad Etemadi: Let Me Explain (2023)

world premierE

Izad Etemadi has spent most of his life explaining himself to others. His ethnicity, his sexuality, the pronunciation of his name. But as an elder millennial dealing with back pain and digestive issues, he doesn’t have the time or energy to keep explaining things.

Through jokes, songs, and deeply personal stories, this queer Iranian-Canadian immigrant born in Germany is going to attempt to explain his entire existence in sixty-ish minutes, so he never has to do it again.

our fathers, sons, lovers and little brothers (2023)

by makambe k simamba

Slimm, a seventeen-year-old Black boy in a hoodie suddenly finds himself in the first moments of his afterlife. He calls out for God. God does not respond. What happens next is a sacred journey through the unknown, as Slimm grapples with the truth of the life he lived and the death he didn’t choose.

Our Fathers, Sons, Lovers and Little Brothers is a protest for all Black life beyond headlines and hashtags, a prayer for all families left behind, and a promise to the community that all Black lives matter.

all past productions